Part Indian ...and Part Boy
He came back a few minutes later, having figured it all out, and proclaimed: I'm part Indian ...and part boy. He was pretty happy about that.
Something will come of this. I hope it mayn't be human gore.
A survey by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta ("CDC") concludes that dogs bite nearly 2% of the U.S. population -- more than 4.7 million people annually. (Sacks JJ, Kresnow M, Houston B. Dog bites: how big a problem? Injury Prev 1996;2:52-4.) Almost 800,000 bites per year -- one out of every 6 -- are serious enough to require medical attention. Dog bites send nearly 334,000 victims to hospital emergency departments per year (914 per day).and so forth. Seems like having a "self defense dog" is pretty risky to me. And a dog isn't an inanimate piece of metal like a gun is. A gun won't go off unless somebody causes the trigger to be pulled. A dog can potentially do what it wants, when it wants, with no outside input. Now I'm sure they'll ban "self defense dogs" in Britain pretty soon, or at least require justification for owning a dog of any kind, and "self defense" will not be deemed reasonable justification.
The chances that the victim of a fatal dog attack will be a burgler are one in 177; the odds that it will be a child are 7 out of 10.
Dog attack victims in the U.S. suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses every year. ("Take the bite out of man's best friend." State Farm Times, 1998;3(5):2.) That $1 billion estimate might be low -- an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that, in 1995, State Farm paid $70 million on 11,000 claims and estimated that the total annual insurance cost for dog bites was about $2 billion.
(18) "Assault weapon" means: ...(c) Any semiautomatic pistol, any semiautomatic, center-fire rifle, or any shotgun with a fixed magazine that has the capacity to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition;which can be read as a complete ban on semiautomatic centerfire pistols and rifles. And now, via soundpolitics, we find that they want you to get permission from the state to collect a barrel of rainwater on your own property
(1) Any person, municipal corporation, firm, irrigation district, association, corporation or water users' association hereafter desiring to appropriate water for a beneficial use shall make an application to the department for a permit to make such appropriation, and shall not use or divert such waters until he has received a permit from the department as in this chapter provided.Keep it up, nutjobs. I've always found it hard to believe that people could behave like this, but there it is. The Dems just love power and love controlling people with government. They profess to hate guns, and yet none of these ridiculous measures would be considered seriously enough by normal people to warrant more than a simple laugh, except that the wielders of power are holding guns to our heads to force our compliance. How nice.
(4) The department may permit by rule, under conditions appropriate to the water resources inventory area, the use of rain barrels and cisterns to collect rainwater intended to be put to a beneficial use on the same property where the rainwater is captured.
The act of war deliberately and thoughtlessly wounds, poisons and handicaps the life-sustaining womb of all mankind. The Earth reacts, as any living thing would, when attacked. Earthquake, tsunami, flood, tornado, hurricane, mudslide, and resulting loss of life may be the natural emotional response.recoil in horror at the ignorance and bigotry of someone who suggests that natural disasters are God's vengeance?We must behave responsibly and live peacefully or we may all be "shaken" off like a bad case of fleas.
Millie Mitchell
Fort Collins
A commuter train smashed into an SUV left on a crossing by a suicidal man early Wednesday, sending the train careening off the tracks in a wreck that killed 10 people and injured about 200, authorities said. Dozens of the injured were in critical condition.See, SUVs are obviously weapons of mass destruction and don't belong in the hands of civilians. As long as these vehicles are on our streets no one is safe, and it stands as an afront to our Assault Weapons Ban. After all, what good is an Assault Weapons Ban if a suicidal person can just kill scores of innocent civilians with a giant, gas guzzling SUV? Heck, any car is a potential killer in the hands of a deranged person.
Well the first Maryland assault weapons bill of the year is in committee. This is a fun one too. It is entitled “Assault Weapons Criminal Penalty Enhancement Act of 2005”. After reading through this little bill it is not about penalty at all, it is really is all about creating a list. But first lets get on to the meat of the text.OK, I borrowed a whole bunch, but it was worth it. That way, I don't have to write anything. There's more, go read it. Now I'm off to deal with our own stupid AWB. Will this crap ever end?
“AN ACT concerning
Assault Weapons Criminal Penalty Enhancement Act of 2005
FOR the purpose of designating certain firearms as assault weapons; designating assault rifles and copycat weapons as types of assault weapons; making it a misdemeanor to use an assault rifle or a copycat weapon in the commission of a felony or a crime of violence; providing certain penalties; defining certain terms; providing for the effective date of this Act; and generally relating to assault weapons.”
Now for a bit of fisking on this little gem.
“FOR the purpose of designating certain firearms as assault weapons”
Maryland legislators are famous for making lists. They then go on to use these lists to make it hard to get things.
Here is an example of said lists. In order for the sales of a handgun in the state of Maryland it must be on an approved list, that is approved by an arbitrary panel over at the state police HQ. If it is not on this list you can’t get it in Maryland. They did the same thing with the integral firearm locks in MD (and are currently being sued) by not approving new types of locks. This did a very nice job of banning new guns in MD for the last 3 years. Now many manufactures include the integrated (you can open most of them with a bent piece of wire) locks which not many use.
“designating assault rifles and copycat weapons as types of assault weapons”
“copycat” Wow they have gotten this one strait (sic) out of the anti gun lobbies press releases. You see, this one would allow the list to encompass everything that they see as “Bad and Evil” by saying, it looks a little like one; there for it is one. They are trying to take a piece of failed legislation (the federal assault weapons ban) a step farther than they did last time.
And now on to my favorite part of this piece of legislation.
“making it a misdemeanor to use an assault rifle or a copycat weapon in the commission of a felony or a crime of violence”
Misdemeanor? I repeat Misdemeanor? This is the portion of the legislation that proves; they really are not serious about stopping crime, but are all about creating a “list”.
I will think not just of the crematoria and the cattle trucks but of Darfur, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Jenin, Fallujah...This little band of 600 [concentration camp victims who are going to a reception hosted by the Queen] has a terrible responsibility — to live well in the name of those who did not live and to discourage the building of walls and bulldozing of villages. Even more than this, they — and all Jews — need to be the voice of conscience that will prevent Israel from adopting the mantle of oppressor, and to reject the label ‘anti-Semite’ for those who speak out against Israel’s policies in the occupied territories.Whenever I read articles about Israel as the oppressor and how it greedily occupies territories, I am reminded of this poster from Protest Warrior
At any time this would be disgusting stuff. As a piece marking the liberation of Auschwitz, it is obscene. To imply that the Jews have turned into Nazis in the Middle East does two things. It tells a wicked lie about that tragic impasse, reversing who is victim and who is victimiser. It is the Palestinians who have a programme to eradicate the Jewish state and ethnically cleanse the Jews from the land, as the Arabs have been trying to do for the past 100 years. Israel is merely defending itself, and — notwithstanding abuses which should always be condemned and punished — with a restraint in the circumstances that no other country would ever match. To call them Nazis, and thus to accuse them of genocide, is beyond grotesque.
To back up this filth, Lipmann equates Auschwitz with Jenin and Falluja. Falluja? So the Americans too are Nazis, are they? As for Jenin, he is peddling the big lie that the Israelis perpetrated a massacre there — ignoring the fact that a mere 56 mainly armed Palestinians died in that incident along with no fewer than 23 Israeli soldiers. There was no massacre. This was a libel against Israel, which Lipmann is repeating. ...
It’s now a favourite trick of the media to set Jew against Jew on the issue of Israel, to get a Jew to accuse the Jews of Israel of being Nazis, and to accuse the Jew who protests at this infamy of waving the shroud of the Holocaust in order to sanitise the crimes of the Jews of Israel. So the Jew who tries to defend the Jewish people is felled by a double blow —one of them administered by co-religionists, who, while wrapping themselves in the sanctimony of past Jewish suffering, in turn legitimise further such attacks by reviling the victim and endorsing the attacker. What sport is here. And what a foul moral sickness.
[Hat tip: Little Green Footballs]
I've just become aware that the state legislature is considering a new assault weapons ban. I find this to be highly disconcerting. I am an avid shooting sports member and I strongly support the second amendment of the united states constitution. Of course, the purpose of the second amendment has nothing to do whatsoever with hunting and sporting. It is primarily there to safeguard each individual American's right to arms in defense of liberty from the tyranny of the state or any other potential oppressor.
As such, the types of weapons with "military features" that are being considered in the ban are exactly the types of arms the Framers intended to protect. Contrary to the notions of gun-control groups like the Brady Campaign and the Violence Policy Center, these types of weapons are used in an insignificant number of crimes compared to other types of weapons. The United States Department of Justice and the FBI have both made this very clear. The recently expired federal ban on so-called assault weapons had no impact whatsoever on crime, but did infringe on the constitutionally protected rights of American citizens.
Most pro gun-rights citizens recognize these types of bans, which are primarily cosmetic with little plausible potential impact on crime, as another step down the slippery slope that inevitably leads to total gun confiscation, as was the case in England.
As your constituent, I ask that you please act against any gun-control measures that involve banning certain types of firearms or include gun registration. It is no surprise that the states with the most criminal violence (NY, NJ, IL, CA) also have the most gun control. Gun control does not work, and only disarms the law abiding majority among us.
I am fully in favor of extremely tough laws and sentences for criminal use of firearms. The record has shown that tough laws, sentences, and strong enforcement of these laws is the best deterrent to gun violence. Additionally, before any mention of the DC snipers, the fact that they used a so-called "assault weapon" was preferable to them using my grandpa's old .30-06 hunting rifle, which is much more powerful, accurate at long range, and cheaper than the Bushmaster rifle used by the criminals. The three people who survived the attacks probably would not have, had the snipers used a proper hunting rifle.
Definition of Assault Weapons. The definition is based on a "single military feature test," and emphasizes high capacity and enhanced control during firing.Those from a fact sheet from Washington Ceasefire. Great. A single military feature? This bill has no hope. I hope they get an actual draft up soon so we can see if this bill has a chance or not. One things for sure, if the bill passes, I'll be getting an "Assualt Weapon," (or two, or ten) before it goes into effect, and NO, I will not be registering them.
Ban on assault weapons. The manufacture, importation, possession, purchase and transfer of assault weapons are prohibited.
Treatment of assault weapons already in circulation. "Pre-ban" assault weapons must be registered with the appropriate law enforcement authority, a process included in a number of the state and local bans, but not in the federal ban.
"In order to best prepare for possible debate surrounding Canada's polygamy policy, critical research is needed," says a Status of Women Canada document. "It is vital that researchers explore the impacts of polygamy on women and children and gender equality as well as the challenges that polygamy presents to society."What about the challenges gay marriage presents to society -- how much exploring of impacts was researched on this topic? And if a woman willingly enters into a polygamous relationship with a man, who is the SWC to interfere with her freedom of choice? In reality, they don't give a fig about freedom or choices -- it's simply a threat to their power.
Sayd Mumtaz Ali, president of the Canadian Society of Muslims, said he opposes same-sex marriage but said if it is legalized in Canada, polygamists would also be within their rights to challenge for their choice of family life to be legalized.Prezactly. And here's something I honestly didn't know: most Arab countries allow men to have up to four wives, as long as the man is capable of supporting them all. Some Arab men living in Canada have one wife in Canada, but more wives back home in their native countries. With legalized polygamy, they could all live in Canada. Hey, if it's part of their religion and culture, who are Canadians to deny them?
But when same-sex marriage becomes legal, the door will open to more Charter challenges, said Conservative critic Mr. Toews. "Once you change the definition of marriage from one man and one woman and you move to two persons," he said, "what then is the distinction between two persons, or three or more persons? If I was a lawyer defending polygamists, I'd say 'hey this is a constitutional right, a freedom of religion.' Why can't freedom of religion trump this new definition of marriage?"I can't wait to see what happens.
Physical symptoms | Emotional symptoms | Spiritual symptoms |
PARIS (Reuters) - The rest of the world will be watching with anxiety when President Bush is inaugurated Thursday for a second time, fearing the most powerful man on the planet may do more harm than good.Does this same 58% think that the folks who bring us nuclear bombs, dirty bombs, car bombs, airplanes flown into buildings, kidnappings, beheadings, mutilations, state-sanctioned rape, mistreatment of women and gays, summary executions, mass starvation, school massacres, gas attacks, and mass graves, have made the world a more dangerous place, too? Just asking.
Many world leaders, alienated by Bush's go-it-alone foreign policy and the U.S.-led war in Iraq would have preferred him to lose the U.S. election last November. Since his victory, they have been urging him to listen and consult more.
Mistrust also runs deep among ordinary people. Some 58 percent of people surveyed in a British Broadcasting Corporation poll in 21 countries said they believed Bush's re-election made the world a more dangerous place.
...Michael, if you ever show up at my front door with a camera — I'll kill you.
Ayup. Verbatim what she wrote to Mr. Stapers.From: "Maggie Houlihan"This is fascinating project but we are not the right agency for you/it. We are confident you will FIND the RIGHT agency so hang in there. Thank you for thinking of us and we wish you every success.
Subject: Looking for an Agent
Dear Madam,
I have a manuscript which might be of interest to you. I have written a book about garden gnomes: their history, their manufacture, their worldwide appeal. It will be a coffee table book, with glossy full-color photos (which I have taken, myself). It could even come with a miniature key-chain garden gnome!
I am a garden gnome enthusiast. I have owned over 15,000 garden gnomes in my lifetime. I have traveled the world in search of rare and unusual gnomes -- I even had one from Switzerland made entirely of cheese! That one didn't last long.
Please let me know if this book is of interest to you. I shall be waiting for your reply.
M. Houlihan
International Garden Gnome Specialist
Is Canada better? In her book, Sally Pipes reports the case of 58-year-old Canadian Don Cerniz, who noticed blood in his urine. It took three weeks to get his first test and another month for an MRI, and treatment for his cancer didn't begin until six months later. According to the Vancouver, British Columbia-based Fraser Institute's yearly survey of medical waiting times, Cerniz was lucky: "The median wait for an MRI across Canada was 12.6 weeks. Patients in Prince Edward Island experienced the shortest wait for an MRI (six weeks), while Newfoundland residents waited longest (33.5 weeks)." Overall, Canada's total waiting time between referral from a general practitioner to treatment averaged about 18 weeks in 2004.I've had near first-hand experiences like this while living in Canada. My roommate's girlfriend was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She had to wait over a month for surgery to remove the cancer. A month! No kidding, with the cancer growing all the time in her neck. Thank God I was never really ill or injured there.
The status quo that Democrats are so desperately defending is this: an average benefit of that's a paltry $926 a month, $11,112 a year. Seventy years of New Deal largesse, and this is the best you can do for seniors with no other retirement savings? The opportunity to make life dramatically better through significantly higher Social Security benefits lies before us, and your "solution" is simply to postpone doom?Ha! Take that, you liberal wieners.
A Senate report said that a bullet from a .50-caliber rifle, even at 1.5 miles, crashes into a target with more energy than a bullet fired at point-blank range from Dirty Harry’s famous .44 Magnum.CBS, never above pandering to the ignorant. If ever you wanted to get a liberal's panties in a twist, this certainly would do it. See, the .50-caliber rifle bullet has more energy, even at 1.5 miles, than Dirty Harry's famous .44 Magnum. Not just anyone's unfamous .44 Magnum, but Dirty Harry's famous one; that makes a difference, so don't forget it.
6 eggs (not kidding)It's from the back of the Safeway Select
1 and 1/3 cups gourmet Egg Nog
1 cup all purpose flour
3/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
1/2 cup sliced almonds (optional, but I recommend them)
Fruit flavored pancake syrup, such as blueberry or strawberry
Preheat oven to 425 deg F, Mix eggs in a large mixing bowl with electric mixer or food processor with metal blade. Add egg nog, flour and nutmeg. Mix until blended. The batter will be slightly lumpy.
Place butter in a 9" x 13" baking dish. Place in oven until melted and sizzling; do not let it brown. Remove from oven and immediately pour batter into pan. Sprinkle top with almonds, if desired. Bake in middle or lower third of oven for 15-20 minutes or until puffed and golden. Serve immediately with syrup.
Makes 6 servings.
Recipe developed by cookbook author Marlene Sorosky Gray.
Math: 1 hour every dayIf that doesn't twist some liberal knickers, I don't know what will. Shooting will definitely be in Jake the Army's curriculum.
Reading (educational): 1 hour every day
Reading ("free"): at least 1 hour every day, after school hours (he normally does two)
Writing & Vocabulary: 1 hour every day, 250 words
Language: 1/2 hour Spanish per day
Music: 1 hour piano practice each day, except Wednesday (lesson)
Other subjects: 1 hour per week each of Science, Geography, History
Shooting: 1 hour per week
It seems that the election was sitting in the trunk of a rusted-out blue Ford Granada. Surveillance cameras clearly show a disgruntled Gregoire casing the Granada. She then walks up to the trunk, jimmies the lock with a large screw-driver, and once inside takes stock of the contents. A couple of quick glances around, then she grabs the election and runs.Not all the facts are out yet, but Democrats are already charging that Rossi supporters put the election in that trunk and that they don't have any REAL evidence that it was actually Gregoire on the tape. More info as the story unfolds...
Thank You for being part of the solution to the gun violence epidemic. Your dedication to solving the problem of gun violence in America is truly an inspiration.Why, Sarah, you're welcome. I have been working hard to promote gun ownership and CCW in the USA to help stem the tide of bad guys doing bad things. She follows this with
I have vowed to make it our life's mission to make sure gun violence in America is one day a thing of the past.Well, that's a nice, but unrealistic, goal. In a similar vein, I'm working to minimize criminal gun violence while protecting the right of citizens of the USA to keep and bear arms for any reason they choose.
As chair of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, I have been able to work to achieve my goal. The Brady Center educates the public about gun violence, helps gun violence victims have their day in court, and works to enact and enforce sensible gun policies that save lives.I'll just let that stand on its own.
If you believe like we do in an America where all are safe in their homes, in their schools, in their churches, and in their communities, please consider a tax-deductible donation to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence this holiday season.Looks like it's Brady time for a reality check.
Together we can make this dream a reality.Well, you did fund some lawsuits along with some annoying and criminal legislation that added extra costs to my guns and infringed on my second amendment rights, so I will consider a nice donation from you to me. I figure you owe me a couple of nice guns, say a Kimber Tactical Pro II and a Springfield SOCOM 16. That comes to about $2350, plus tax and shipping, for a grand total of, say, $2700. Please remit.