
I soldered up a couple red LED circuits and put one in each end so that sucker really lights up in the dark.
That's already earned me one "I love you Dad." I'm not abov buying my son's affection with cool stuff like that. Yep.
Something will come of this. I hope it mayn't be human gore.
I'm posting this piece of crap email in its entirety. I covertly signed up to receive emails from these asswits so I could keep track of what they have brewing. I have a small fisk near the end in purple.
...praised the Venezuelan leader's "brave heart, intelligent mind, eloquent oratory and firm hand.and
"I feel bathed in honor," Chavez replied, adding he hoped to visit Tripoli soon.Hopefully some day we'll read a Chavez quote on CNN where he exclaims "I feel bathed in excrement," and he really means it.
The Resolution on illicit trafficking that is now before delegates is another laudable outcome of the Commission's firearms project. The Resolution focuses on illicit trafficking in firearms between countries. However, the international and domestic spheres are not independent of each other. The harm done by guns is felt within countries, within communities and within households. Also, every gun begins its life within a country, usually as a legal product. A gun can have a long and varied career before it crosses the border into the realm of 'illicit international trafficking'. To prevent harm from guns internationally, the most critical point for intervention is within the domestic policies and practices of individual countries. To re-state a point mentioned by the distinguished delegate of Canada and others: nations that allow guns to be freely manufactured, transferred and possessed within their borders are undermining the international community's efforts to prevent transnational gun crime.What they're saying is what the commies used to say, that their bullshit is failing because they can't lock down the entire world. This becomes the justification for the UN as world police officer and delegation of power to the UN to dictate laws on national levels. Skip some drivel...
I am here as a representative of the International Alliance of Women, which works for de facto equality between women and men, and for the ratification and implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. For more than 20 years, IAW has been active in combatting violence against women and children in all its forms. We urge Member States to comply with the International Declaration on Violence Against Women, and to work closely with the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women. Distinguished delegates will recall last month's Resolution of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, to join international efforts against illicit traffic, trade and transfer of weapons and to control excessive production.blah blah BS about women's equality (not before the law mind you, but in terms of the usual income, employment and the rest). Now about that "excessive production," who gets to define that? I bet I know who Rebecca Peters thinks should decide.
There are many reasons why the regulation of firearms is a women's issue. One is that women and their children make up the majority of victims in civil wars and regional conflicts fuelled by the global flood of guns. Another is that women and their children are the main users of the social and health services which suffer when resources must be diverted into policing crime and arming military and security forces. However, the topic I am addressing today is gun violence in the home.Yeah, I guess you're happy that the flood of guns didn't reach the black population of Darfur. This way, they didn't have to divert their resources away from their social and health services, lucky them.
In Canada, the national survey of violence against women found that 25% of all women had experienced domestic violence. 16% of these women had been threatened or injured with a gun or knife, compared with 4% among women victimized by men who were not their spouses.Still shows that the lowest denominator in society is the troubling one, and that they tend to keep it among themselves, thankfully.
So we're talking about the scum of the earth, no? So why does this justify her desire to disarm the law-abiding? Put the rest of us at the mercy of the asswads focused on in her study.Domestic violence is a way of gaining and maintaining control over the perpetrator's partner and children. Here are a few examples, reported by domestic violence services, of how guns are used to do this:
* direct threats at gunpoint;
* shooting the family dog as a warning;
* sleeping with the gun nearby and threatening to shoot the wife if she 'tries to sneak away';
* wielding the gun during discussions about custody of the children;
* mock executions - holding the gun to the victim's head and pulling the trigger;
* getting the gun out and cleaning it during or after arguments.
When a woman has left an unhappy relationship, brandishing a gun may be a means of forcing her back into it, or of obtaining access to the children. When she is still in the relationship, a gun can prevent her leaving.
It may be that by recounting these grim facts I have made some delegates feel depressed. I do not apologize for voicing a perspective which is often overlooked in discussions about crime and guns. It is an uncomfortable reality that societies must face: whether at the level of the nation or the household, guns serve as implements of injury and coercion. Women have long pointed out that where violence is concerned, the distinction between the public and private sphere leaves us unprotected where we are most at risk. A strong parallel can be drawn with the distinction between international and national policies on gun control. The international effort to restrict the flow of guns across borders must be accompanied by efforts to restrict the build-up of arsenals in private homes.This was all summarized by DiFi a while back when she said "people have the RIGHT to FEEL safe." Except she gets to decide what it is that makes you feel safe. I FEEL safe (and a lot of other nice things) when I'm in the process of building up the arsenal in my home, but that doesn't count.
Over the past two decades, the firearms industry has realized that it needs to find a new market for peddling its deadly products, and has found this new market in the youth of America. Kids are easily fascinated with guns, and the firearms industry has exploited this fact to design and manufacture weapons that can more easily be used by children and to directly market weapons to children.Uh huh. Where have I heard that before? Anyway, it turns out they're talking about little chipmunk size .22 rifles. These Weapons!! are being marketed to The Children!! ohmigosh!!

(image from Henry Repeating Arms)
That's the Weapon!! in question. Sorry that you dimwits in HandgunFreeAmerica and your ilk (Brady, VPC, etc) didn't have a father who loved you and would buy you your own rifle and take you shooting. Now Back Off! Get your own sandwich.
Newtown Township, PA - Senator Arlen Specter's decision to side with the gun lobby over the people of Pennsylvania has now had direct consequences: More crimes with military-style semiautomatic assault weapons.So says the news release at the brady campaign (emphasis added by me), which then goes on to say
One of the nation's first assault weapons crimes since the sunset of the ban on these weapons apparently occurred here late last week, at a Mobil gas station on South Sycamore Street, just sixteen days after... the ban [expired].I like that. One crime is committed and they say MORE! implying that there is now evidence that more "assault weapons crimes" are being committed than would have been without the ban. Who exactly do these assholes think they are fooling?