Sunday, August 14, 2005

Stickwick Blog Hiatus

I'm in a frenzy preparing to leave for Europe in a few days. I'll be gone until early September, so expect postings from me to be light to nonexistent during this time. Gonna be in Paris and the Netherlands for conferences and some observatory work. My first overseas trip. Couldn't convince the Mr. to come with me -- he grew up in Europe, and has seen enough of it.

Apologies to those whose comments I may have neglected -- I haven't even had a chance to look at comments in the last two days, and, unfortunately, they'll probably have to wait until I come back. It's likely I won't get a chance to post Spaced-Out Part II until September, either. Sorry. *sigh*

Hopefully, Carnaby will pick up the slack while I'm gone. In the meantime, take care and see you all in a few weeks!


UPDATE! I found a little time (okay, a lot of time) to post a response in the Greatest Man thread. That's it until I get back, though... for reals.


Blogger Kevin said...

Have a good trip!

8/15/2005 7:29 AM  

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