Friday, September 01, 2006

Dang, I Knew It Was Too Good to Be True

I just got an email alert from stating that my U.S. representative, none other than "Bagdad" Jim McDermott
voted to endanger the lives of children by supporting an amendment that would prevent the enforcement of a law requiring gun dealers to provide child safety locks with every handgun sold.
Whose interest did your Representative have in mind late that night? The gun industry and gun lobby. Not children. That is clear.
Needless to say, I was shocked. Shocked! My hopeless moonbat representative voted to turf a stupid gun control bill? Here's the full spiel
Tell Him/Her to Do the Right Thing: Oppose H.R. 5005, 5092, and 1384

Dear mao,

Late one night this summer, your U.S. Representative, Jim McDermott, voted to endanger the lives of children by supporting an amendment that would prevent the enforcement of a law requiring gun dealers to provide child safety locks with every handgun sold.

Whose interest did your Representative have in mind late that night? The gun industry and gun lobby. Not children. That is clear.

And now the gun lobby wants another gift, in the form of three bills that will tie the hands of cops, weaken the ATF, and make it easier for gun traffickers and criminals to get guns.

Tell him/her: "You sold out our kids' safety to the gun lobby. Now do the right thing.
Oppose H.R. 5005, 5092, and 1384."

Congress had actually approved the child-safety lock legislation last October, but due to pressure from the extreme fringe of the gun lobby, the House has since voted to prohibit enforcement of the law. Why did the House sink this low? Because too many Members feel beholden to gun extremists like the NRA.

And now, the NRA is leading an effort to gut the enforcement power of the ATF and tie the hands of local law enforcement from going after the corrupt dealers who supply gun traffickers and feed the illegal market by trying to pass H.R. 5005, 5092, and 1384.

H.R. 5005 would weaken ATF's ability to share valuable crime gun data with local law enforcement — data revealing the gun dealers with the worst records of supplying the illegal market, like Sandy Abrams, who actually sits on the NRA’s Board of Directors! There are also many other harmful provisions in the bill, including eliminating the current requirement that gun dealers report multiple handgun sales to local law enforcement officials.

The gun lobby is also frantically pushing H.R. 5092, a bill that would undermine ATF's ability to crack down on corrupt gun dealers. If H.R. 5092 became law, gun stores — like the one owned by Sandy Abrams that had more than 900 violations of federal law — could continue doing business with no threat of having their federal licenses revoked.

But the NRA is not stopping there. H.R. 1384 is an insidious assault on the landmark 1968 Gun Control Act and will only help gun traffickers who want to exploit states with weak gun laws.

Why all this action? Because this session of Congress is almost over, and the NRA wants to give its friends in the gun industry more favors before the tide turns against them in the fall elections.

Here's What You Can Do Today to Help:

1. Email Your U.S. Representative Today.
Tell him or her: "Oppose H.R. 5005, 5092, and 1384. Help law enforcement, not corrupt gun dealers." Click here to send your Representative an email.

2. Make a Donation of $25 or More.
Support our efforts to stop the NRA from weakening law enforcement by passing these egregious bills before the fall elections. Click here to contribute now.

3. Spread the Word.
Use our easy form to forward this email to everyone in your address book. Congress needs to hear loud and clear from those who support sensible gun laws. Click here to forward this email to friends.

Please tell your U.S. Representative that he or she was wrong to put gun extremists' interest above the safety of our children — and to not make the same mistake again by putting gun industry profits above public safety. Don't tie the hands of our law enforcement officers! Give them a fighting chance against gun criminals.

Your Friends at
OK, that was fun. Seems like it must be too good to be true. Turns out it is
Dear StoptheNRA Member,

We are very sorry, but due to a technical error in our last email to you (Tell Your Rep: Help Law Enforcement, Not the NRA), a small group of you may have received a version that misstated your Representative's vote on a Child Safety Lock amendment.

To find out how your Representative voted, you can check out the actual roll call vote by clicking here:

(A vote of "aye" is to prevent enforcement of the law requiring gun dealers to provide child safety locks with every handgun sold. A vote of "no" would be to stand up for the safety of our children and to keep enforcing the Child Safety Lock law.)

We apologize for any confusion this may have caused -- and we still encourage you to take action on the dangerous bills that are still before the House (H.R. 5005, 5092, and 1384), by clicking here:

Your Friends at
Bummer. That guy is such a dope, it's hard to believe that he keeps getting reelected.


Blogger Stickwick Stapers said...

"Dear mao"? Ha!

9/01/2006 12:01 PM  

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