Sunday, May 14, 2006

Summer of Stickwick

The semester is over, final grades are nearly posted, and my schedule is free from daily constraints. But starting next week, I am going to be on the road quite a bit until the end of August. Posting and commenting on my end will suffer as a result (not that I've been posting much lately). Carnaby will still be posting on his usual schedule.

Destinations this summer include: Seattle/Vancouver, B.C.; eastern Oregon; Santa Fe, followed by a trip up the California coast to visit UC-San Diego, Caltech, UC-Berkeley, and UC-Santa Cruz; and finally Raleigh, NC. Whew! A highlight of this odyssey will be meeting two giants in the field of black hole theory, Roger Blandford and Roy Kerr.

On a completely unrelated note, I've been reading The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Talk about a paradigm shift. As much as I detest feminism, I realized how insidiously this destructive movement has permeated the culture and how much I subconsciously bought into the idea that I am entitled to be selfish, demanding, and insensitive towards my husband just by virtue of being female. I'm only two chapters into the book, but practicing what I've learned so far has produced miraculous results. I really need to post on this at length when I have time. For now, women, whether you are married or not: buy and read this book IMMEDIATELY. Husbands: buy this book for your wives and ask them to read it. A good follow-up is The Surrendered Wife by Laura Doyle.


Blogger Francis W. Porretto said...

The root of most modern marital misery is the conviction, which most of us have absorbed, that each of us should marry to augment his own personal happiness. In other words, your spouse's role in your life is to make you happy.

More destructive nonsense has seldom been uttered. It's well that there's finally a counter-movement forming.

5/15/2006 1:51 AM  
Blogger carnaby said...

Cool. You better bring Mr. Sniper up to Seattle when you come, or you lose gun-co-blogger status. That, and I won't even pick you up at the airport :p

5/15/2006 7:23 AM  
Blogger carnaby said...

p.s. you should post some pics of Mr. Sniper and Mr. Rifle on the blog.

And Francis, my wife and I agree with you 100%, and we're much happier for it.

5/15/2006 7:24 AM  
Blogger Stickwick Stapers said...

The ironic thing, Fran, is that once you accept the true purpose of marriage and relinquish the demand on your spouse to make you happy, you actually become happy (and so does your spouse!)

Ben, you can take pics of Mr. Sniper and post 'em. I'm lazy. :)

5/15/2006 8:29 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...

Fran wrote: "The root of most modern marital misery is the conviction, which most of us have absorbed, that each of us should marry to augment his own personal happiness. In other words, your spouse's role in your life is to make you happy."

I've always operated under the understanding that my job is to keep her happy.

That seems to work quite well. But then we're both mature adults.

5/17/2006 2:46 PM  

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