Monday, October 03, 2005

Stickwick Sick

[Apologies to anyone who has emailed Stickwick or left comments, etc. I am SICK. I am also working day and night on a major project at work. No time or energy left to even look at my email or browse my favorite blogs. Normal service will hopefully resume soon.]

Just got back from the doc, and I've got bronchitis. Swell. I've been in bed for the last six days, and only ventured out of the house to see Serenity and to go to the doc. Feel like absolute crap, and it looks like I'll be working from home until this thing blows over. There's a bright side, however, which is that my home office is much more pleasant than my campus office, and my office-mate is infinitely cuter. Here she is helping me do some analysis...

and contemplating the deeper meaning of the results...

Update: I'm back in the office. Got a major proposal to work on, and it's a race against the clock until the end of the week. Feeling like utter crap. Barely have the strength to stay updated with the blogosphere. I've only been reading Michelle Malkin lately, but at the moment that's plenty -- she links to some disturbing stuff in Norman, Oklahoma. Oh, and this (filed under "WTF??!?")


Blogger Stickwick Stapers said...

Thanks, Rus. Hubby has been pretty good about doting on me, I must say.

As for rest, I should be so lucky. Thought I was going to be resting and working from home, but an opportunity to apply for telescope time at a top facility came up, and now I'm back in the office working against the clock to get this proposal finished. Feel like utter crap, and just want to crawl into bed...

10/05/2005 7:29 AM  

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