Student observations of nearby galaxies for my astronomy class' final project followed by images from various big telescopes for comparison (the color images were not taken by my students). Instrument: Meade LX-200 16" reflecting telescope with Schmidt-Cassegrain optics and an SBIG-7 CCD camera. Image data were collected and reduced using the CCDSoft software application for Windows.
NGC 2841
Type: Spiral galaxy
Constellation: Ursa Major
Diameter: 150,000 light-years (cf. Milky Way, ~120,000 light-years)
Distance: 50 million light-years

NGC 4565: The Needle Galaxy
Type: Spiral galaxy (edge-on)
Constellation: Coma Berenices
Diameter: 100,000 light-years
Distance: 30 million light-years

NGC 4656: The Hockey Stick
Type: Irregular galaxy
Constellation: Canes Venatici
Diameter: 35,000 light-years
Distance: 30 million light-years

NGC 2903
Type: Spiral galaxy
Constellation: Leo
Diameter: 80,000 light-years
Distance: 20 million light-years